Wednesday, December 16, 2009

If You Like -17/12/2009


Let’s see…
I could pretend to be some shelter,
A big tree,
Or an open garage,
Can even hold my arms out,
Give you my coat for effect,
Walk stoic having mastered the whole,
Thing that you like,
If you like.

Of course you can’t trust me,
That is not what we are here for,
I’ll push my luck just as far,
As your cynicism will stretch,
Before fear snaps it back.

Hoping by then we’ll have a taste,
For one another,
New arrangements of furniture,
Under a semi-familiar ceiling,
A pillow drool patch,
...sorry about that.

But the nice guy finished last laps ago,
And here we are keeping company tonight,
Could break a lot of rules together,
Forget promises made in any direction,
That fan out from this spot,
At this time,
In this look,
On our faces,
Written on our faces,
Both of our faces,
All over our faces,
Closer our faces,
Holding our faces,
Touching our faces,
There on your face,
Here on your face,
There in your eyes,
Here in your eyes,
In your eyes,
Close your eyes,
Closed my eyes.

On your lips,
Here on your lips,
On your lips…

Our lips,

Like a late trail left-off idea,
Guard dogs without tongues,
Alarm clock without batteries,
Bikes without brakes,
Kisses, without qualifier.

Kisses without questions,
All curiosity, but no questions,

Nothing spoken, not anymore.




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